
Kryon: The Akashic Circle

Kryon: The Akashic Circle
channeled by Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Sit with me and feel the truth of this energy you feel. There is so much here. The Human Being participating tonight in this incarnation, and who sits in the chair, is truly unaware of what is around them, unaware of the ancestry of their own Akash, unaware truly of the multi-dimensional energies that surround them.

Each one is brought to this place so that they can learn more about the family. Sit with me for a moment and suspend all the earthly things that would get in the way of pure love of peace. Suspend for a moment the puzzles of life, all of the things that occupy your brain, and that which you call the sense of conscience. You're always at work, Human Being. It is part of survival. It is you dealing with that which you call life. So I'm going to ask you to suspend it. There is a bigger picture, a snapshot just for you that I'd like to present.

I once again, in the now, present something to you which is a metaphor. It's at the same time a reality, which is also the same time an explanation. Picture a man in a jail cell, not that long ago. He's writing to his friends about something he is excited about, that he has discovered. He's in jail because of his belief. He's making a little too much noise about the love he has found. In those days where he is, they do not allow dissension from the norm. He doesn't know if he's going to get out of jail, and he doesn't know if he's going to live.

He suspends all of those thoughts and he writes to his friends on the parchment in front of him. His words are beautiful. He never thought of himself as a writer, but out pours his heart. He writes to his friends. "I have found peace and I am joyful. I have found that which is God. I have found truth." He encourages those even who are not in jail to look inward and find the love of God. He's writing to his friends, his personal friends in Corinth and Ephesis, and his name is Paul.

More than 30 years before this was the death of the man he writes about, whose teachings showed him the way, but he never even knew him. This man used to be Sol of Tarsis, a merchant. On the road to Damascus, he had a vision where he met the energy of the man in angelic form. He was in such a sacred energy that it made him fall on his face, on his knees. He felt that which was divine and he knew he was having a vision. His words today can be read in what you would call the Holy Scriptures, or what some call the Word of God. Yet again I say to you, the Word of God in that case was the word of Paul and his letters to his friends.

All the Scriptures on the planet, all of them, have been written by Human Beings under the influence of joy and wisdom and that which is the energy of the divine. You've called these documents the Word of God.

What does that tell you? It's a true acknowledgment that Humans carry within themselves something that is grand and special from the Creator himself/herself, something that is beautiful and sacred.

There are systems upon systems that hide so completely that seem to be such an invisible puzzle to you. Yet they're beautiful and they're all about you. This seeming benevolence that you have found, which you see that you appreciate, that you are discovering, is absolutely real. There is purpose and a plan. This which you call God and Spirit is family, and that benevolence that you are discovering, that is the love of God, is the willingness of the Creator of the Universe to come to you with gifts, with love and purpose.

The Creator would not do that unless you were a part of Creation. There's a piece in you, in every single part of the double helix, that is sacred.

So Paul was channelling, and what he said on the paper today is read with reverence and an acknowledgement of authority. Yet all he was doing was writing letters to friends, which became Corinthians and Ephesians. Paul didn't know about systems of benevolence. All he knew was that he was dearly loved, and that was good enough for him.
The Akashic Circle

I would like to tell you about a system that is complex and filled with benevolence, purpose, love. I'll call it the Akashic Circle - the system of the Akash.

Akash: Sometimes the word is defined as the record of all things. It's a record not just of you, but also of Gaia. You might say the Akash is the record of all things on the planet including the planet. There is a circle in this system we'll call the Akashic Circle.

The Cave of Creation is a name that I gave that represents an attribute of storage for this circle. It has been known in many forms and has been talked about using other names. There truly is no name for it, for it is a system and not a place, although there is a place involved. The place is filled with beauty, within the earth's crust, you might say, and yet lower than that. In a dimensional suspension that cannot ever be seen or found by a Human Being, there exists a sacredness that is the Akashic Circle. It is crystalline in nature, but it cannot be counted or notated. In a quantum state, there exists a crystalline structure for every single soul on the planet who will ever be here and who ever was. It's in the "now" representing no time, but potentials of time.

There is a plan. It's a plan of arrival and departure. Already existing there is a structure that expects souls to fill it and there are those coming from other places that come into existence on the planet for the first time. You cannot visualize this. Oh, you could put it in your three dimensions, but it won't be accurate. It doesn't need to be accurate. All you have to know is that it exists. You might call it Akashic accounting.

There is one soul per crystalline object and yet uncountable. You might say, "Wait a minute. There's got to be billions of those crystals. Why can't they be counted?" I say again that if it were soup, we ask you, how can you count the salt? How can you notate the flavor with a number? And this is the quantum state that is confusing to the Human Being, for you wish to individualize, separate, notate, quantify, and count - and you cannot do this with love. Yet I'm telling you there is crystalline for each of you.

One soul can have many lifetimes. Old soul, listen to this: On this planet, there is one identifying, energetic, crystalline, quantum source for you that allies you with Gaia. It's profound and represents 
the circle of life.

The Reasoning

Why do you think it was created as a cave? Why should it be under Gaia? Why should it be within Gaia if there was not a reason? You see, the system includes the earth. It has to. Isn't it interesting that the ancients knew all about this? The first thing an ancient does, your most distant ancestors, is to understand the earth. Look at the indigenous who walked in this area. The first thing they did was to offer the earth a gift. To this day, the indigenous all over the planet understand the system. The earth is alive, the mother. The earth provides the food, just like the mother. And the first thing you do is honor it and supply a gift.

If the earth is the mother, what about the life upon the earth? The next thing you would do if you were an indigenous is to honor that life. Perhaps it exists in the forest in the form of the wolf, the bear, the beaver, the possum. They are all there as part of a life force of you and Gaia and they are the system that propels spirituality that you don't know about. The circle is the reason for your being.

The indigenous knew it. Do you think the indigenous wore the furs and the pelts of the animals for warmth? Yes and no. Many times, it was for honor. They would wear it on their heads to create their honor for the forest, the trees and the animals. It honored the planet and the earth and the system. All of the lifetimes you've ever had are etched in a beautiful, multi-dimensional energy upon one quantum crystalline object. It's the piece of you that is the accounting object in the cave.

The Workings of the System

Now listen. It exists with all of the others, too - billions of them, if you singularize them. There is a confluence of interactive energy between the crystalline objects. This is to say that even though you want to stack them up and call them "souls" and put notches in them and call them "pieces of crystal," they're not. They're all together in one system and they morph with each other. We have never discussed this before due to its complexity.

As you accomplish lifetimes with others, sometimes you cross the energies of what we call this confluence and they become something else. One becomes two. Two becomes four. Families that work together in karmic interchange, especially in the old energy, actually 
change crystalline parts of this system, parts that don't even seem to be related. It is one of the most complex puzzles you've ever seen. Humans with Humans. It explains synchronicity. It explains intuition, and it is alive with Gaia.

Gaia knows who's here and Gaia responds to the consciousness of you walking the planet, the personification, the embodiment of the expression of your soul in this life. It's the one with your face on it right now. It's the one who has active consciousness that can change what is going on with planet Earth. That's what Gaia sees. This is what you change. We have told you that you modify the Crystalline Grid of the planet, which is to say you are actually modifying and transmitting energy to the Cave of Creation with everything you do. Because there's a system - a complex one.


In your DNA you carry your personal Akashic Record. What have you done on this planet? How many times have you been here? What are the energies that you've experienced already? Old souls have something that very few Human Beings have, and which none have when they arrive for the first time. You have a record. Every single energy of every single lifetime stays in the DNA. Yet they don't represent themselves as a stack to be read by an Akashic reader. Those who read what you would call past lives are reading energies, not past lives, for it all sits on the surface, intermixed, ready to be seen and read.

The most profound of all of the past lives you've ever had are at the top, since they are all together. There's no hierarchy. Humans want to see them in a row, organized by date. Humans see them as one after the other. Human Beings will report to a past life reader and say, "Is it going to cost more to get a past life reading if the desired life is older?" That's funny! That's linear. Many of you right now are awakening to one of the most profound lives you've ever had - the first one, the Lemurian one.

Lemuria existed for thousands of years as the oldest, most sustained civilization on the planet. It is one that has no historical acknowledgment, buried forever at the base of the mountain in the Pacific Ocean you now call Hawaii. That is by design. Humanity should not be digging up those things that are part of the creation story. It would bias you. It would give you a little too much information.

The puzzle is this: Can you find what is buried inside you? This new energy can be seen as a portion of the onion skin that is being 
removed, not only from the planet, but from you. Layers are being shed so that you can now start to see that which is the Akash in you. It explains why so many of you are starting to feel things in this shift.

Could it be that you really can do some of these things? The answer is yes. How many of you are now aware of the Shaman inside? How many of you are starting to acknowledge, personally and privately, the old soul that's there? Some of you are starting to actually receive talents that have been buried. Some of you are becoming that which is a writer, storyteller. All the things that are creative - music, composition, art, color, design, are part of you. You know it's there.

Gender Switching

Old souls, let me tell you something. If you are old enough, and many of you are, you have been everything. Do you hear me? All of you. You have been both genders. All of you have been what I will call between genders, and that means that all of you have had gender switches. Do you know what happens when it's time for you to switch a gender? We have discussed it before. You'll have dozens of lifetimes as the same gender. You're used to it. It's comfortable. You cannot conceive of being anything else, yet now it's time to change. It takes approximately three lifetimes for you to get used to it, and in those three lifetimes, you will have what I call "gender confusion."

It isn't confusion at all. It's absolutely normal, yet society often will see it as abnormal. I'm sitting here telling you you've all been through it. All of you. That's what old souls do. It's part of the system.

Let me tell you about the circle given by the Cave of Creation, which is the Akashic Record of all things, all life, all souls. Interfacing with Gaia through the Crystalline Grid, you walk on top of the earth with your Akashic Record and your DNA. You are using the information you have inside you and the circle is complete. When you affect the Crystalline Grid with your consciousness and actions, it then alters the Cave of Creation.

Everything is in a circle, dear one. It's beautiful. It's interactive. I can't explain anything more except that the higher you vibrate and the more you use that which you have known on the planet, the more it changes the planet. Inside the Cave of Creation is that confluence of quantum energy with billions of souls, millions that are not even here yet; it affects them, too. I will tell you why. Because you are changing the future as you work the past. You are changing the makeup of those who'll arrive and what they will do and what their consciousness 
will be.

What you do today plants the seeds of peace on Earth, so when they are born they will have what you have. It is more profound than you know and you sit in the chair and you wonder about gas money. Do you see what I'm saying? Maybe it's time to just suspend that for a moment and say, "Thank you, God, that I know what I know."

As you go from this place, I want you to know something: You are grand beyond any scope of imagination and you should hold your head high. You really don't know what you've done. Some call it sacrifice, which we call appropriateness. There are those in the room who have come to the planet on purpose for only three months. Then they die, and seemingly break a mother's heart. And you might say, "Well, why would I ever do a thing like that?" And I'll tell you: So your mother could find God, that's why. Because she wouldn't otherwise. She had to go to the darkest place, examine herself, and come out a Lightworker. That's written in the Akash! It's an energy that's in the Crystalline Grid! You don't think God knows that? That's part of the system.

Oh, I know who's here. Maybe you've been on the other side of that, mom. Now you know. Maybe you're sitting in the chair because of it. Do you think we don't know who's here? It is grand! You call it sacrifice, but it is not. You're here for three months, you go back home, then you come in again - often to the same mother. There's a system here! It's beautiful.

There are a lot fewer soul records than you think. This is because you keep coming back. How many people are on the earth? How many people have been on the earth? What does that add up to? A lot more than there is in the Cave of Creation, for you keep coming back. True, the earth's population increases exponentially. That means there always has to be new Humans, and there are. But Gaia knows who's coming. The pieces of God around this Universe know who's coming. And the old souls at some level know who's coming. This, I would like to tell you in closing, is where the beauty is.

Now suspend belief for a moment. I would like to take you to a place. It's a beautiful planet. There isn't a lot of dissension there. Oh, there are differences of opinion, but not a lot of dissension. There's only a few continents on this place and it's surrounded by water. There hasn't been a war for 100 years. The ones on this planet don't always agree, but they don't kill each other anymore. Can you imagine such a place? Oh, there's unbalance because there's free choice. But they care for each other.
They don't kill each other anymore. It's not an option, since it's seen as barbaric. It doesn't occur to society to do it, like it doesn't occur to you to cut off your son's hand if he steals something. That's barbaric and isn't an option to an enlightened society.

I'd like to introduce you to this place. It's called planet Earth. It represents the result of the ones who are going to arrive in the cave. It will take as many generations as it takes, because the seeds are being planted today for it. It will occur slowly. You have the start of it now. Can't you see it? You're not going to have another world war. You just are not. You can't. There's too much benevolence in the system that you are starting to be part of.

Oh, it may not look like it. Look at the news! You are in transition from the old energy to the renaissance of Human consciousness. Could it be that you have come in, old soul, to accomplish something the ancestors have only dreamed of? Oh, how many generations will it take? It doesn't matter. It is slowly going in that direction.

Will there be wars? Sure. In the process of this completion, old energy will prevail and certain places will go backwards into the dark. That's what darkness does. But light will win. Slow it is, it must be generational, for the children must come in fresh. It is difficult for an adult to have a renaissance of consciousness in midlife.

And who are those children going to be, old soul? You! See the circle? What you are doing now is planting a seed so that when you return, you will be able to water it with the beauty of the love of God and nurture its growth. You are your own ancestors and you will be in the future. I would not tell you this if it were not so, if it were not in the plan of things, if it were not foreseen years ago.

Dear ones, there would be no Kryon speaking to you now if it were not for what you've done. I would not have been here if you were going to destroy yourself. I would not be here if the earth was going to destroy you. Do you hear me?

You have free choice to do anything you want - all of you. But you've crossed a marker where the potentials are pushing into benevolence, where Human nature is starting to change, where what you want is starting to manifest itself - and it's about time.

Take what you've learned this day in these classes and communicate differently than you have before. Know who you are. I'll say something 
I've never said before. Understand it in the context it is presented.

Two words. Leave proud.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher. *

Lee Carroll


Feist-Secret Heart

Secret heart
What are you made of
What are you so afraid of
Could it be
Three simple words
Or the fear of being overheard
What's wrong
Let em' in on your secret heart

This very secret
That you're trying to conceal
Is the very same one
That You're dying to reveal
Go tell them how you feel

Secret heart come out and share it


Pablo Neruda

I Like For You To Be Still (excerpt)

...Let me come to be still in your silence.
And let me talk to you with your silence
that is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring.
You are like the night, with its stillness and constellations.
Your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid...(...)

Kryon-The Secret to Mastery

This live channelling was Given in Moscow, Russia
Saturday May 15, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Moscow in May, 2010.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. As my partner says, linear time goes quickly and here we are at the end of a two-day event. The entity called Kryon, however, is not linear. I really represent an energy instead of an entity, and it's never the same. There are attributes of it that you've come to expect, but it's never the same. If you've noticed, this energy grows in intensity over time as the Human [Lee] allows the portal of awareness to open bigger. The largest part of this process is yours, for you won't receive any of the energy unless you try to match what he is doing, within your own awareness. He opens the doors as wide as he can and this gives an allowance of information to come through a sacred, personal portal. As my partner channels, the information passes through his Higher-Self, and that is the meld that you see now. It is his style and is what he allows, what he permits with his consciousness. You are asked to do the same. This, then, generates still another energy, which is called "the third language." We've mentioned this process many times before. It's the language of catalytic energy.

It's important that you hear his voice. Did you realize that? Even if you don't understand his language. [Lee is speaking English, and it is being translated into Russian.] For within the audio are the actual vibrations in the air and a catalytic language of spirit, which is energy in the room. It is felt, and it rides on top of whatever it is you are perceiving as the message here that is linear.

So that is what you feel now, dear ones, if you allow yourselves to feel, tonight.
The highly intellectual and the academic Humans who are here may choose not to f
eel. They may choose not to involve any emotion at all. And if that's the case, there's no judgment of that. But in their process, they put a barrier between a beautiful thing and themselves. How many of you can allow the portal to open and absorb this simple message? Those who do will receive all the energy that is given - and some of it may actually be a healing energy.

This is not going to be an endurance channel. Instead, it's going to be a sweet punctuation mark on a beautiful two days together. What is it you're going to take away from our time together? Memories? Perhaps there could there be more? In a multidimensional state, you can carry energies out the door with you that you didn't bring in. They are appropriate, light, and can be life-changing as you consider the ideas of who you really are.

In the process of channelling, my information teaches mastery. That is what comes through me, given to my partner [Lee]. For 21 years, we have been teaching this in various stages, in various ways, and through many subjects. It's all about opening the door and seeing a "larger you." The lecture today that my partner gave [earlier in the day] is one where we gave concepts to show you that there is a restraint on your thinking [a bias]. However, even with this bias, many of you are ready to open this multidimensional door wider. So in these few remaining moments, I'm going to give a simple message. I'm going to call it this: "The Secret of Mastery."

Is it the "implant?"What does this really mean to you? Who is a master to you? Is it possible that you might change yourself to the degree where you could say, "I have mastery?" What does that mean in your life? Well, perhaps some of you have looked at the Kryon work for answers. Twenty-one years ago, I gave you a concept of an energy that was called an "implant." At that time, my partner told me that it was not a good word to use, for many times humans believed this to be an evil thing. It made many back up and look at it and examine it. "What is it?" they would say. Some were afraid of it and many ran the other way, never examining what it might represent. Some even burned the Kryon books.

This is exactly the reaction we wanted, much to the dismay of my partner. But it was appropriate because once a Human accepts it, it starts a process of epiphany. After all these years, it is now defined as the "implantation of permission to shift." Maybe some of you did that? Perhaps you gave that spiritual permission and things started to change? Many did. Maybe now you're one who did that and is sitting here, and you now know, "This implant must be the secret to mastery, for it started a massive change in me and here I sit today with full knowledge of my spiritual quest. Kryon, is that the secret to mastery?" No, that is just an intuitive step. The implant was a good process to start with back then, for it involved that thing you hear so many times, pure intent to shift and allowance of spiritual change.

Is it with the Higher-Self?
"Well, then perhaps it's the acknowledgement of the Higher-Self? That must be it, Kryon. Am I right?" Some of you have opened the door metaphorically to your heart, and you've aligned the three-dimensional part of you with the multidimensional part of God. This is a major shift and some of you are so different today than when you started this esoteric journey. You are so different! You feel it and you know it. You believe that perhaps you're actually touching pieces and parts of the Higher-Self. You can feel it actually re-patterning things in your life that you thought could never change, and you're right. "So that must be it and that must be the secret of creating mastery - connection to the Higher-Self. Right, Kryon?" That's not it, either, but that's very important. It's one of the most important things you can do. There are so many messages we have given on that, and so many years we invited you to do exactly that.

Can you be bigger than you think? Can you open your heart tonight? Listen.

Let me ask you a question. In this culture, in this society [Moscow], it would be a courageous thing this evening to be loved, would it not? What if you were to drop your guarded heart long enough to feel something here? What would happen to you? I'll make you a promise; If you will open that guarded area of yours, just for a few moments, and absorb what is coming, you can then close it right up again if you don't like the energy. This is a safe place to be right now. Can you do that?

Is it in the DNA?What is the secret to mastery? Some have said, "Well, it must involve the newest Akashic teaching, for in the last two years, Kryon, we have heard what you've said about the Akashic record inside our cellular structure. You even have a book about this!"Indeed, this is an amazing dimensional tool where past lives are no longer past. In this new energy, the Human Being can dip into the seeming metaphoric soup of past life energies and bring up what they need in everyday life. Today, a Human Being can go inside and pick up the things that they need from the past. They can create a quantum state with the lifetimes they have earned and lived and have a multidimensional experience with time, spiritually going in and getting the things they need. They've lived those energies, and they still own them and deserve them. They can have peace over anything. They can remove drama from their lives and even heal their cellular structure. This is one of the most powerful tools we've ever discussed with humanity. I only opened the door to the concept of mining the Akash within the last two years. What a concept! Think of the power there. Only masters could do that in the past.

"So Kryon, is that it? Is that what you're talking about? That's the secret to mastery, isn't it?" No. It's a new concept for you, and a good one, but it's not the secret, not really.

You see, that's why we call it a secret. Because when I tell you what it is, you're going to think,"Well, that's just a little too easy - not much of a secret." Well, if it was easily seen, then all of you would be doing it, wouldn't you? It hides, and it's not that easy to accomplish.

Is it the new intition information?"Perhaps it's what was being taught about the power of intuitive thought? Kryon, you've talked about intuition as a new tool that is becoming a map of co-creation abilities, almost like a multidimensional antenna that you raise, letting you feel the potentials of the future. Is that it?"Intuition is the new action tool, allowing you to know when to turn left and when to turn right and how to act at certain times based on the energy before you. What a beautiful tool this is, for it honors a proactive approach, replacing the non-active "let go and let God" energy of the past, where you sat and waited for answers. Not all of you have heard of all these tools, but I've been giving them to you for a long time. Intuition is an actual map you can use on a daily basis to make sense of life. It isn't something that tells the future, but rather something that gives you immediate direction when you reach the point where you need it. It represents the energy of the entourage that is with you all the time, which is aware of all that is. "Yes! That must be it, because the masters who walked the earth had that ability! Kryon, is that it?"No.

"Well, then, Kryon, it must be the last one we can think of. It's got to be all about what you taught about Layer Nine of DNA. That was yesterday's channelling, and the newest information." [Moscow Channelling #1]

That was, indeed, powerful information. Now you can join the three-dimensional and multidimensional parts of the immune system and create a healthy body. I explained that last night. "So, is that it, Kryon? That's got to be it. There's nothing left."No, dear one, that's not it either.

The Secret of MasteryHuman Beings tend to look at lists and stair steps, ladders and processes. These things are all needed in 3D, for that's the way Humans move from one point to another. That is the linearity of your reality, so it is needed. It's also helpful for learning, and it makes sense that you would list these things and ask if the secret is within them. It isn't. Instead, the secret of mastery overlays every single one of those attributes on the list, and it's not something you can accomplish easily or memorize.

It's hard to define what it is, but I can try and give it to you. It's called love of self. Can you love yourself? Can you fall in love with the face in the mirror? Can you look at yourself as divine and beautiful? Immediately, you let out a sigh and say, "Well, that's too easy. Of course I can. I can do that." But you're not doing it, are you?

Let's pretend for a moment that your very essence is a little child. Let us pretend for a moment that the most sensitive part of you, the soul core, has the feelings of a child. What would you say to that child, dear Human Being, dear adult? Well, let me tell you what I hear you say to the child within yourself:

"You're ugly. You're not worthy. You're never going to make it! Things might get better on Earth, but not very soon, and besides, you may not even be around for it since you are not going to live that long. Somebody more important than you is coming to do the work. You'll never do it."Would you say that to a child? Would you say that to an infant who looks up at you with innocent eyes with their feelings exposed? You are the boss, and there is nobody else to listen to. Would you say that? The answer is no. No! Then why do you say it to yourself, dear one? For that is what we hear. The innocent child is that core of you, which is waiting for the secret of mastery. It's a beautiful core energy of love and it constantly looks at your own body and consciousness for answers. What does it hear?

Pretend you have a little child. Listen to these words.

"Oh, how beautiful you are! Look at the Creator inside there! I see it in your face, oh, precious little one. Look at the seeds of God sparkle in your heart! Wow! With that energy, you're really going to go places. You're magnificent! There isn't anything you can't do."What does the child do with that, dear one? The little one smiles, swells up, and takes their power. They love it!

"Really? You see that? Oh, thank you!" Then the child walks out of the room with the seeds planted to grow into a being who knows about how to treat himself and others. The truth is then acted upon and his power increases each day that he walks the earth. Without the rocks of doubt in his path, he accelerates to a new level, helping all around him and helping the earth itself.

What if you could do that with yourself? What if this was the dialogue you gave yourself in love every day of your life? What would you call that? That's called falling in love with yourself. Now, that's not easy, is it? You're going to have to rearrange your thinking, aren't you? What if someone comes up to you to ask, "How are you?" Talk to the child.

"I feel great because I am a magnificent master!" You might say that, but you don't, do you? No.

Humans have learned that if they become negative, it gets attention.

"How are you today?" "Not well." (Immediate attention.) Let's have a little drama stirred in:
"Why?""Because something happened." "What was it?" "It was this, it was that… bad things."You see, I've been listening to how humans communicate. I live with you. Did you know that? I am a piece of the creative energy that is around you all of the time. I know who you are, I know who's here. Listen to these words come out of your mouth as you speak them. Quite often it's a bad habit, but it tells the cells how you feel, since they are listening, too! It reinforces a negative energy. Is there joy there? Often not. If there is not, then there is no love of self.

Who wants to talk to a complainer or one who is in drama all the time? Would you seek this person out for help with your spiritual quest? Yet many of you claim to have spirituality, but you walk with a dark cloud around you all the time. How can this be?

All of the things I've mentioned today are just a ladder of processes. You can have as much academic and intellectual information you can carry, but if you have no joy, you are nothing but a book with words that lays there unread.

Perhaps you'll eventually get a piece of paper that says you graduated and that you understand everything that Kryon teaches? But the angels around you will cry in sorrow, because you never understood the little child inside. That's the secret of mastery - understanding the emotion of self-love and the energy it creates.

I want you to envision for a moment your favorite master. Who was this person? Perhaps it was Christ? Perhaps the mother of Christ? More recently, perhaps it was the Prophet Mohammed? Perhaps it was more ancient and the Buddha? Perhaps it's very recent. Perhaps it's a guru like Paramahansa Yogananda? Perhaps it's one of those? It doesn't matter, for they all taught the same basic message for their culture - unity of humanity and the love of God inside. So visualize them before you.

Look in their faces. What do you see? You see a Human Being at peace with himself. What are the masters known for? Peace, patience, lack of drama, love and understanding - all of these things. Do you think this came with an intellectual pursuit? What have you been told about their lives? Perhaps you were told that where their footprints were, flowers grew. Their faces would shine like the sun and little children would come around them. Even animals knew who they were! All this because they were in love with the God inside. That is the secret of mastery. If you have trouble with that, I'll give you a vision.

Look past the face in the mirror and see the beauty of God in you. While you look at yourself, lovethat. Slowly, you'll start loving yourself. Do you dare be loved tonight like this? Do you dare open your heart and feel these things? Why not? What are you afraid of? Do you think it's going to hurt? Is it culturally inappropriate? Your real family is here, invisible before you.

So that's the request of Kryon at this time, in this place. A piece of the Creator is before you [the Kryon energy]. It's what you're hearing and feeling in this third language. Some of you are feeling it even as you read this and you are wondering what it is. Well, that's the way truth presents itself when your door is open! Those with an open door right now know this is real.

There's validation of the energy being presented here. Some of you here who can see the colors on the stage around my partner know that this cannot be faked or created artificially. Neither can the epiphanies that are happening in the room or the healing that is going on at the moment in one of the chairs here. Leave this place different than you came. That's the love of self. That is what the masters had that you cannot learn with steps or processes or with the intellectual mind. You must become it.

And so it is.


via kryon.com

Kryon-Attributes of the Match Bearer

This live channelling was Given in Sacramento, California
July 2, 2011

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Sacramento, Califonia, July 2, 2011.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. A group of old souls sits in front of me as they often do. Each one has his own attributes that are spiritual as well as that of the earth. It's a duality that is present with appropriateness and that literally speaks of the year you're in, which is 2011.

If you examine the numbers of 2011 as we have discussed with you before, you get the energy of the two and the 11. The two represents your duality; the 11 is illumination. You might say 2011 is "the illumination of duality." When you add them together, you get a four, which is structure and Gaia. So this is the year where great lessons occur. Lessons are occurring in groups as well as individuals.The entire reason for the lessons is to develop compassion. If the earth becomes more compassionate in any way at all, the actual spiritual vibration of the planet increases, and that is the goal. So the old souls in the room have a goal for their being here at all. It's not just to exist, and it's not just to solve problems while they are here. That's what I'm going to talk about.


I'm going to talk about a metaphor that we have given so often before, but that takes on special meaning as we give it yet again. I have a title for this message, which we don't often give. Usually I let my partner do that later. This time I'm going to give it. It's "The Attributes of the Match Bearer." These are the ones who sit in front of me right now and who are reading this message.

There are two areas of concern that you come in with [arrive on the planet]. There are two sets of questions you carry as you sit in the chairs. The first set of questions are all about yourself, as they should be. You ask, "How I can get from A to B and become better at what I'm here for? How I can live longer?" You might ask, "How I can eliminate drama in my life? How I can be healthier?" The second part is, "What am I doing for the planet?" These questions aren't really something that come in pairs. The second one requires a confluence of energy for old souls who want to know how they can stay longer and do the work that they came for. If you would interview everyone here in the chairs, they would have a different answer for what their work is about. But they wouldn't be here if they had not asked the second question.

So we're going to be quite generic and yet fairly specific. We're going to give you concepts that you haven't thought of - the reason you are here, old soul. Right now, especially now, the reason you are here is to hold light in dark places. You're not here to try to evangelize or change any other Human Being to what you believe, for belief is not the issue. The vibration of the planet is the issue. It can only be changed with a consciousness that is pure. It's not just in what you believe. It is in the being and not the doing. It is being light, for as you walk around with illumination, you change that which is dark.

You might say that you take the new energy where the old energy used to be, and that changes everything around you. That is your entire purpose. So we're going to be specific here in a moment. We're going from the big to the little, and the first is this metaphor, even before I start the teaching. Again, dear ones, for the ones in the room and for the ones specifically who are reading this message right now, I see you.

One of the attributes of God is that there is no time. If you are listening at this moment to this recording, or reading this message anywhere, it's the now. That is how time is for me. It is not just for the souls in front of me, for those old souls in front of me here are in a three-dimensional state on a linear track of time. It's critical for them to live their lives in a succinct way. But not me. So the potential of your ears hearing this was known to me as something you might do. I know you're here. I know you're listening and reading. This may be hard for you to understandsince you might say, "If God cannot tell the future," you might say, "then Kryon, how did you know I would be listening or reading?" That answer is easy because the potential of your doing so was so strong, I knew you'd do it.

I sit in front of a group of approximately 100 souls. Now, I knew when they made their decision to come. I knew the potentials of them finding out about the meeting. I knew even those who found out yesterday. I knew. For the potentials of this energy is what is in the quantum soup that I have spoken about so often. Not the future, but the potentials. This allows us to bring forward an entourage that is then complimentary of those who sit in the chairs, of the old souls and their lives, of their lessons. It even drives the subject of the channels. We wait for you to come and sit before us, dear ones, way before we really know what we're going to say and what we're going to do. So I know you and I thank y
ou for being here. This is your time on the planet.

The Light and Dark Metaphor

Let us begin the teaching. The metaphor has been given over and over. Imagine that there is a room full of entities called humanity who walk around in darkness. So the metaphor here is spiritual darkness. The Humans don't know who they are or why they are. They have no concept that they are part of the creative energy of God. They follow whatever is given to them and whatever doctrines they learn about when they are young. They find God in whatever corner they can. Some find God profoundly, and some do not. Many go through the motions and never understand any more than the motions.

Seemingly in the dark, they often bump into one another. Some of them bump into another and become angry… a war starts. That's what happens in the dark when you can't really see what's going on apart from what you know about yourself. Therefore, what is always going on is apart from you and is always a mystery. Therefore, there is drama. Therefore, there is conspiracy and mistrust. Being in the dark creates war. Being in the dark creates separation and hatred. Being in the dark creates fear and anxiety.

But now, as the metaphor continues, there is one in the darkness who knows who they are. You might say that the attribute of this person is our Match Bearer. This person bears with them the ability to create light. Small as it might be, this person has a match. In a fully darkened room, one lit match is interesting, for it creates light enough to see dimly for everyone, so that one Match Bearer in that darkened room, on their own, decides to light it. The reason? It's to study their own spirituality, their own self-worth, to light their match to see themselves better.

So they light it for themselves so that they can take the hand of the Higher-Self and discover who they are. Therefore, they light their match. And in the process of lighting that match, they illuminate (very dimly) the rest of the room. Suddenly, Humans can see one another and they like it! They see family! Fear starts to go away. Understanding what is next to you creates understanding and peacefulness. There's less distrust. Some actually look for where the light has come from. Many don't.

The attribute of the light of the Match Bearer is similar to the lighthouse that stands by the sea, which we have given you before. The lighthouse stands alone, all by itself. It shines a light that others may or may not see, that steers them into safe harbors by their own choice, since they have the rudder of choice on their own ship of life. The Match Bearer is sitting with the match, has illuminated it for themselves, yet it affects all around them in a positive way.

The Match Bearer says nothing. Those around this person may not know his/her name. They may not even know she has lit a match! All they know is they can now see! Some of them start looking for the match in themselves and they begin to slowly light their own matches, and the room becomes brighter. The brighter the room becomes, the more is seen and is not a mystery, and the further a Human Being can see past themselves and their immediate family, the more understanding there is, the more peace there is. This is the attribute of the planet as we see it right now.

We have made the statement over and over that less than one half of one percent of the planet must strike the match for there to be peace on Earth. Now you know the reasoning behind that. It means that there could be Human Beings all over the planet who never strike a match, who don't believe anything that you believe, yet they still participate. They participate in your light.

This is difficult, perhaps, for you to grasp - how one small match would make a difference. But it does. So in this room and listening to me now and reading these words are Match Bearers. How do I know that? Because I know you. Oh, human being. There are warriors in this room; there are stories that would make your hair stand on end. There are heroic actions and joy. There is sorrow beyond belief; there is gratitude. Everything that you can imagine has ever happened to a Human on the planet is here right now. Some of the greatest dramas ever presented on Earth, you participated in. Some of the most heroic actions any Human Being can do for another, you've done. Some of the suffering that never should have occurred on the planet, you've experienced. Some of the greatest celebrations that the planet has ever seen were about you.

The Variety of the Old Soul Energy

There are men here who have given birth! This is because their gender is different today than it was then. There are women who have worn the battle armor because their gender was different when they wore it. Old souls take turns, you know? Here is something I'm going to tell you nowand I want you to listen because this is a concept you don't think of often. Humans tend to stay in family groups for a very, very long time through many incarnations. They stay in cultures for a very, very long time as well. Oh, you may move around once you're born, but you can't change your blood, can you? You can't change where you came from no matter where you move to, can you? You may sit in a chair today in America but it can't change where you're born. So what I want to talk about is outside the purview of three dimensions. This means it's outside of your understanding of the way things work, or how you think about your ancestors, relatives, and ancestry in general. It's different than you perceive how things work. So now we're going to talk about your parents, your grandparents, and their parents. We'll go back 100 years or more.

The Timing of the Shift

My partner spoke today of fractal time. He gave you examples of how time is actually in a circle that makes no sense in three dimensions as you perceive it. But it is the way of things in a multidimensional world [using the word quantum to mean that]. Your own science is starting to understand and participate in the belief that time may very well be in a circle and may have what they would call fractals or a predictable cycle of potential influence that occurs on a regular path as you transverse the circle of time. These potentials can be computed, and so they sit there even without those to give them an esoteric prediction, those who have the calendars of old. The calendars reflect the cycle of time.

We have discussed with you that the Mayans had a system in their observatories besides pure astronomy. Like many of the ancients, they used their intuition to develop systems around the calendar that were the esoterics [spiritual] of the study of time fractals and predictions of potentials used even today. We told you that you are in a 36-year window representing the precession of the equinoxes, the center of that time window, which is 2012. We told you this 36-year event is what you have called the 2012 Galactic Alignment energy, and also what you have called The Great Shift. If this is so, this means it was predictable - and many predicted it. Also, if this is so, it means it was expected, and the potentials of the expectations are upon you now.

A Quantum Meeting of Your Own Ancestors

Let me take you to the other side of the veil where there is no time. Remember, we are not in linear 3D on my side. We are in a multidimensional state, which we often call a quantum state, using still another metaphor of real physics that means, "outside of 3D." On the other side of the veil, I want to tell you about meetings that have taken place and are still taking place. When there is no time, there are only potentials. When there are only potentials, even the past, present, and the now are blurred to you. They are blurred because you have a 3D filter. The future is not known, but the potentials of what you might do are and the strength of the potentials are generated by your consciousness and what happens today, yesterday, and tomorrow.

Come with me to the meeting of your parents and grandparents, for they represent souls just like yours. Like you, they are a piece of the God Creator. Even if they never awakened to examine that fact while on Earth, they are NOT on Earth for this meeting. Let's go to this meeting where they are, even now, right now.

"Wait a minute, Kryon! My parents are still alive. They can't be in a meeting on the other side of the veil." For us, they're still in that meeting, because part of your soul energy is on the other side of the veil all the time, dear one. What do you think your Higher-Self is? It is the energy of your own personal, angelic form. The metaphor we like to give is that one foot is on the other side of the veil all the time, and one foot is in 3D. The entire duality issue and the test of your life is to open the door and see that, and to take the hand of that which is your Higher-Self. Your Higher-Self has been the same Higher-Self every single time you've been on Earth, the same one occupying the different Human bodies of your many incarnations. There is a commonality through the ages. Do you see it now? No matter how many past lives you've had, no matter what you've done, no matter where you've been, the same Higher-Self is there. It's your core. Now, do you start to understand why you would want to connect with it?

Birth of the Match Bearer

Come to this meeting with me, metaphorically, and watch. Your grandparents are there, too. They are looking at everything with the mind of God, which is theirs while they are in the meeting. They're not in 3D; they're in that perfect place, which the Creator energy represents beyond anything you can imagine. Although there is no individuality or singularity with the parts of God, and although these in the meeting are part of a collective quantum group, the essence of the potential of who they've been and who they will be are still represented there. I don't ask you to understand this. I just ask you to see it with me. All their past lives are there with them.

Now, in what you call your past, I'm going to tell you what they said:

"We're coming into the planet. We're going to be there in a lower energy, and we will try to shine as much light as we can, but it may not be much. We might never awaken," they're saying."Because it's not time," they're saying. "But we see the potential of the Galactic Alignment looming. We see the 36-year window is coming. We may not even be alive." they say. But they are planning on coming anyway. They are old souls and have something to do: Plant seeds.

"So, why are they coming to the planet while there is an old energy?" you might ask. Here is the answer: They're coming to the planet - your grandparents, all four of them - so they can give birth to your mom and dad. Now, your mom and dad are also in the meeting as well - and by the way, so are you! So are your children. Do you understand this? You are all part of the collective and parts of you never leave it, even though you are here, walking on Earth. Within that quantum meeting, there is no linear time, only potentials of time. This is tough for a linear thinker to grasp.

Listen: Your grandparents, parents, and you are agreeing as your ancestors speak: "We are going to go through this so the timing is proper that our children will be born in the shift." They know what the potentials are and they need to make certain that it is YOU who arrived during this time. I could go back even further than your grandparents.

If it's true that the timing of the shift is known in advance, since it is part of Gaia, and also the cycles of the earth, then it's a system and not random. This means the planning of the potentials of the souls who occupy your ancestors, as well as you and your children, line up perfectly so that your cellular structure has the bloodline it does and the Akashic records it has. Did you ever think of this? You might even start to realize that you may actually be "old soul specialists," here at the perfect time.

Let's again talk of your parents, as we have done before. They may say, "We're going to come to the planet, meet each other, and give birth to this soul, an old soul [many incarnations on the earth], one of the oldest souls possible, even older souls than our ourselves. We may never awaken. But this is our chore to go into the planet. We can't hold much light. We may even criticize those we birth. We may even throw them out of the family! We may even abuse them. The old energy may completely hide all of this current divine intent from us, but that's why we're going, so that our children will be the ones with the wisdom of the potential of an awakening. They will be The Match Bearers."Now, we stop to remind you that there is no predestination. So again, this is a planning meeting of potentials, not contracts. However, Human Beings incarnate into karmic groups, so the attraction and synchronicity often plays out to enhance the overwhelming chances that they will indeed meet each other and come together to birth you.

The Match Bearers, as in the metaphor above, are the ones born in this time who can metaphorically light a match in the old energy darkness and illuminate the planet. Did you ever think of that? Your parents came together on purpose. Oh, I know you're going to say, "Wait a minute, Kryon, you don't know my parents. I don't think they have that consciousness in them."Maybe not on this side of the veil, dear ones, but do you understand what I'm saying? With the mind of God, they came in saying, "We probably won't wake up. We won't remember this planning session or even believe it was possible. The old energy will keep us from seeing. But we're going to have a child that's a Match Bearer, a very old incarnate soul on this planet. That's why we're here."That's why your grandparents came in and their grandparents came in as they did. The lineage is there for you to see. The potentials are there to see, and you sit in the chair today listening to this channelling because it all worked together, and here you are, Match Bearer.

Attributes of the Match Bearer

Let's talk about the match that you hold, dear one. I'm speaking to the match bearers who are here, who are reading. Wherever you create light, in any situation through your own individual actions, the energy you create changes the energy of Gaia where you walk. It changes that which is quantum around you. The whole earth knows you. If you awaken, the whole earth knows you have done so. Gaia knows you. You walk into the forest alone with the trees, they know you. The animals know you. God knows you. I know you. It's why you came. It's what you're feeling now that brings you here. It's why you sit in the chairs, and why you came today.

You might say, "What is different about me? What am I feeling in this lifetime? Why is there a feeling that I have to do something?" Well, wake up, Match Bearer, because this is your destiny. With free choice, you will illuminate your life to the point where all around you know who you are, or at least feel your light.

So let me ask you about your family. I'm going to ask you about your immediate family, your blood family. How are you treating them? There are some who will say, "Well, let's not bring them into this, because I don't like them very much." That's why the drama circles all the time, dear one. You continue, "I do my best, but I don't like them very much. But I sure am stellar when I go to New Age meetings. I love everybody there, every one of them." [Laugher] Yes, but I didn't ask you that. It's easy to get along with others like you. It's because you all have a light! No, I'm talking about you alone in the dark, by yourself. I want to know how you're treating your family.

Let me tell you how the Match Bearer sees family, immediate family. They look past the abuse; they look past the drama; they look and see what has been done for them. They may even say to Spirit, "Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me life and for knowing on the other side of the veil that I can change the planet. Thank you for what you've done in that planning session. No matter what the words have been or the slings and arrows and the abuse and the names I've been called, I honor you." Now, is that you?

You come into relationships; you grow; the relationships sometimes change; you stay in them for a long time; they change again. Now, let's say there's drama in that relationship. Remember, this is not a blood relative; it's an elective. Do you think there is a possibility they were in another meeting? This becomes a bit ponderous to think about, doesn't it? So how do you see these in this relationship? No matter what the words have been, no matter what the actions were, no matter what the betrayals were, no matter what goes on today, the Match Bearer looks at them and says, "This is a creature of God designed to give me lessons and to push me out of the nest. Maybe the lesson is even to give me a kick in the pants so I can have compassion for the rest of humanity. Thank you, God, for them." That's what the Match Bearer says. Can you do that?

The Match Bearer has the light of God, and you may say, "Well, you're just describing Mother Teresa! I'm not sure I can do any of those things. This is a hard call, Kryon, because you really don't know what happened in my life... what has gone on with those around me and my family."Oh, yes, I do. You see, I was there. And by the way, so were all the seeming angels you carry around with you. Why didn't you take their hands when they had them outstretched? I know who's here! You always want to do it alone, don't you? You'd better be listening, my partner, because this is for you, too. You always want to do it alone - all that help that's around you, yet you always want to do it alone. We know who did what to whom. We were there at every step.

The attributes of the pure Match Bearer are to push love. They have tolerance for every single Human Being who they come into contact with. They assume love is present in every situation. They create light.

I want to tell you about dark and light, yet again. If you've got a light lit, darkness cannot invade you. How can darkness, which has no energy at all, be around and invade you when you're holding the light? Darkness, as defined, is the absence of light. Some Lightworkers have a strange 3D concept that says, "I don't want to go there because the darkness may get me. I'm very careful where I go. I don't want to go around these people because they have dark energy." Why don't you go there and shine your light in their lives, oh courageous one? Are you only going where there is other light? Do doctors go to work and only see doctors?

How do you treat your family? When you go to work, what goes on there? I can hear the verbiage now: "I've got the worst boss in the world. This is one who delights in torturing us with tasks that make no sense at all just to make work for us. This boss doesn't like the New Age because he happens to believe differently, so he makes fun of it." You don't think we know this, dear one? Remember, those in charge don't always have the wisdom to be in charge. Sometimes they're egomaniacs. Don't you think we know this? That's how they got where they are. So, how do you treat them? Do they continue to push your buttons? Do they do things just to irritate you? Or perhaps you just have one who is always depressed? Therefore, you have to walk in the dark energy all the time at work - or is it lighter because of you?

I want to give you the truth, Match Bearer. If you're holding light, no darkness or dark energy is going to affect you. You're going to walk into that place, open the door, and do your work. And while you're there, you are saying: "Thank you, God, I have a job. Thank you, it's here for now, because wherever I go, I'm going to make a difference." Some say it's impossible to make a difference at work. They again say, "You don't know my work." Oh, how 3D of you! You don't know that the light you carry creates tolerance, appreciation, and love? It creates the ability to share and listen with care. It changes the planet. Some of those around you may eventually come to you with their issues and their problems. You might sit and ask, "I wonder why they want to share it with me?" Perhaps it's because they intuitively see your light; maybe because they see your tolerance; maybe you're the only one who will listen to them, and in the process, you share love. In the process of them being next to you, you love them. And maybe it's the only love they're going to get that day or that week or that month or even that year, dear Match Bearer.

That's what you do. It's one Human at a time with another. The earth changes one Human at a time, and that's why you came. That's why your parents saw the potentials of it. Everywhere you walk, every situation you're in, you have a chance to strike the match. The greater your light, the greater the planet's light. So now, are you still wondering why you came to the planet?

"Kryon, I'm not a healer, nor an author. I'm not a channeller either. I just go to work, come home, do errands, make the beds, then go to work again. What kind of a life is this?" I'll tell you, dear one, it's a Match Bearer's life! Your lineage asked for you to come and for you to walk on the planet and strike the match, go to work, make the beds, do the errands, and come back home again. That's why you're here! I don't want you to diminish that for a moment, since everywhere you go there is more light because of you.

How do you handle fear and anxiety? What pushes your buttons? What makes you worry? Isn't it about time to conquer that? What's happening in your body that's tested you lately? I don't just talk to those in the chairs. I talk to my partner. I talk to him all the time. He's just like you. He walks through life just like you. He has some of the same questions you do, yet he's the channeller! So I talk to all. I am Kryon. I've never been a Human Being. I'm always seemingly standing on the outside. I am in charge, if you want to say, of the information that comes through your guides, which comes through your Higher-Self for the energy of the planet. I was not even allowed here until this shift began, because the planet's energy was not commensurate with the energy of the information that I now teach. I'll be here a long time, because the potentials are for the energy to stay and grow and be - all because of the Match Bearers.

What irritates you the most? What buttons get pressed the easiest in you? When you watch the news, when you see politics, when you see certain kinds of attitudes, do you get angry? Think of what makes you the angriest. Now, let me ask you, can you see it in tolerance? Well, that's what the Match Bearer learns to do.

"I hate war," you might say, "I don't want anything to do with it. I hate the sorrow that it creates, the heartbreak that it creates. It seems to perpetuate itself." I'm not asking you to love war. I'm asking you to love the Humans who created it. They're pieces of God, just like you. Can you look at these things with tolerance and see the parts of them who are loved by God? If you can do that, then you shine light in their life. It doesn't matter where they are, and they never may know who you are. It's just like the lighthouse on the rock. How many ships and the captains of the ships have gone to lunch with a lighthouse keeper? The answer is very few of them. But they look for the lighthouse, don't they? Well, humanity looks for you! It's intuitive, and even the darkest energy knows about light.

There are Match Bearers everywhere. Everywhere my partner goes, there are auditoriums filled with Match Bearers. That's why they're there. They may not know the particulars, but they feel it inside. These are old souls coming together to participate in an event called, "Planting the Seeds of Peace on Earth." When this 36-year window [The Galactic Alignment] is over, they will have been planted securely and permanently. The potential will unravel itself and unfold itself and there will be more wild-cards for you to see. Wild-card is the term we use to describe actions that are not expected, and that change things on the planet. It is often expressed as countries who have unexpected turns, or dictators who unexpectedly fall. A wild-card is a scenario where humanity starts to put things together instead of tearing them apart.

This is the potential we saw 22 years ago and it is the potential we continue to see today. You're still on track. Nothing has derailed it and you still have free choice. It's not a given, and it's not a set future. Instead, it is the strongest potential that we see in this quantum soup of many potentials - yet we still see it. It is building upon itself, and there is evidence that is manifesting everywhere, and the Match Bearers continue to light their matches.

When we opened this seminar this morning with a short channel, we invited those who would build a wall between me and them through self-doubt, and through skepticism, to let me in for a little while. Now I give you the opportunity to put the wall back. If you came here and you don't want any part of this metaphysical talk and you're not ready, then it is your safety net to put the wall back. I know that and I say to you, "Put it back," because you're not ready. We are not here to force anything upon you. We don't want you to leave with an energy you don't want. This message is for those Match Bearers who feel it is appropriate and timely. But I want to give you a fact: You will never forget what you heard today. There is no "delete" button in the Human brain.

The match doesn't go away, either. The old soul carries it as long as they need to. Your children will carry it as well. So this is the truth of it, and it is a beautiful plan. Again, less than one half of one percent of this Human population must light the match for all this to take place, and it's slowly happening. That's not that many of you. So let the matches be lit this day in whatever degree. Some day you'll realize that to have a fully lit match, there must be many lit in many places, not just one. That's why there are so many Lightworkers all around the earth. You'll never meet them, but you all know each other in a quantum way.

So that is the message of this day for you. For the listener and reader, it is the message of Kryon. It always has been and always will be. It becomes more succinct and clearer as the energy increases and allows for these things to be said and mentioned and taught.

Grateful, I am, as Kryon, to have come this distance to meet the Match Bearers that I always knew would be here. And so it is.


via kryon.com

Cat Power - I Found a Reason

Love consists in leaving the loved one space to be themselves while providing the security within which that self may flourish.
-Tony Judt

Let us accept truth, even when it surprises us and alters our views.

-George Sand

Create loving energy around yourself. Love your body and love your mind. Love your whole mechanism, your whole organism. By love is meant: accept it as it is, don’t try to repress. We repress only when we hate something, we repress only when we are against something. Don’t repress, because if you repress how are you going to watch? We cannot look the enemy eye to eye; we can look only in the eyes of our beloved. If you are not a lover of yourself you will not be able to look into your own eyes, into your own face, into your own reality.